13x6 Transparent Lace Frontal Wig For Black Women

13x6 Transparent Lace Frontal Wig For Black Women

Having an effortless, natural-looking hairline is easy with a 13x6 transparent lace frontal wig. At Hermosa Hair, we carry 13x6 lace frontals for black women in a wide variety of lengths and styles so that you can find the right wig for your personal style. Our 13x6 lace frontal wigs are made with premium human hair, so they can be dyed, straightened, bleached, curled, and restyled just like your natural hair.

Styling Versatility

A 13x6 lace frontal has a larger lace area than the traditional full lace or 360 wigs, which increases your styling versatility. Depending on your preferences, you can choose a 13x6 lace frontal wig with a center parting or a 13x1 T-part lace frontal. The latter option allows you to do a center part but is less versatile than a full lace or glueless full wig. The choice of a 13x6 or a 13x4 lace frontal depends on your budget and lifestyle.

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